Why is USB3.0

PubDate:2011-01-12 Source:DONGGUAN CHANGMING ELECTONICS CO.LTD. Author: Hits:3816

USB 3.0 is the latest USB specification, which was launched by Intel and other large companies. USB 2.0 has been generally recognized by PC makers, interfaces, the interface became necessary hardware manufacturers to see if the motherboard used at home to clear. The maximum transfer rate of USB2.0 as 480Mbps, or 60MB / s. However, we should note that this is the theoretical transfer value, if several devices share a USB channel, the main control chip, each device will be disposable bandwidth allocation control. Such as USB1.1, all devices can share the 1.5MB / s of bandwidth. If a single USB interface, the device takes all the bandwidth, they would be used for other devices difficult.

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